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Our Blog

May • 11 • 2020

Know the Causes and Signs of a Stroke

Nearly everyone knows someone who has had a stroke. It's the fifth leading cause of death among Americans, and a stroke can happen to anyone at anytime. A stroke is a serious medical emergency....

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May • 11 • 2020

Why Speed Matters When Someone is Having a Stroke

Act FAST. That’s the #1 thing to keep in mind if you suspect someone is having a stroke. Every moment counts, and quick action saves lives. Every 4 minutes, someone in the U.S. dies of stroke.


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Apr • 13 • 2020

What to Do While in Isolation: Eat, Sleep, Exercise Right

You know you should stay at a distance to help avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus. You also know to wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water and to wear a mask when going to the...

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Apr • 3 • 2020

Take Care of Your Mental Health, Too, During This Outbreak

Part 2 of 2

Our routines are disrupted. We are worried about our health and finances while dealing with this COVID-19 outbreak.

Beyond taking precautions with our physical health, we need to care for...

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Apr • 3 • 2020

Signs That Isolation Is Impacting Your Mental Health

Part 1 of 2

The fear about your physical health and finances are overwhelming right now as you deal with the COVID-19 outbreak.

Your worries are real. That’s is why it is important to care for your...

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Feb • 3 • 2020

Mental Health First Aid Training Saves Lives Too

You know something is wrong with your family member, friend or co-worker. He or she seems depressed or is sometimes acting irrationally.

Though a physical ailment could be causing the behavioral...

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Jan • 12 • 2020

Effects of Social Media on Mental Health & Wellness

Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, have become very popular. Up to 80 percent of people are using some sort of social media to interact with others. With the uprising of social media...

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Jan • 2 • 2020

How Do I Know If I Have the Flu or Just a Cold?

The common cold and flu can sometimes have similar symptoms, and it's not always easy to determine which one you have. When is it time to see a doctor?

Knowing the difference between cold and flu can...

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Dec • 26 • 2019

10 Healthy Meal Planning Tips for Working Moms

We have all felt and given in to the temptation of swinging by McDonald's or ordering a pizza for dinner after a long day of work. The kids are hungry, you have nothing prepared to eat, and you don't...

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Nov • 8 • 2019

What is Hyperbaric Medicine?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a noninvasive, painless procedure that improves the body's natural healing process. The patient inhales 100% oxygen in a total body chamber where atmospheric...

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Nov • 8 • 2019

What Conditions Are Treated By Musculoskeletal Medicine?

In Musculoskeletal Medicine, problems arising from the musculoskeletal system are diagnosed and treated. Musculoskeletal disorders include injuries and diseases affecting the muscles, bones, spine, ...

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Nov • 8 • 2019

5 Ways An Internal Medicine Physician Helps Manage Your Diabetes

Internal medicine physicians, also called internists, do a variety of things, one of them being aiding patients in managing their diabetes. More than 100 million Americans live with diabetes or...

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