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Our Blog

Nov • 4 • 2019

‘Tis the Season for Stomach Bugs

Did you know “stomach flu” isn’t flu at all? Gastroenteritis, which affects the stomach and intestines, is not related to influenza, a virus of the respiratory system.

It goes by many names. Whether...

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Nov • 2 • 2019

How to Avoid That Holiday Weight Gain

Turkey. Ham. Dressing. Green Bean Casserole. Cookies. Cakes. Fudge… and the list goes on.

As if the abundance of food at your family holiday gatherings isn’t enough, the festive snacks offered at the...

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Nov • 1 • 2019

The Fight Against the Opioid Crisis

Opioids are powerful pain killers that can be highly addictive and dangerous. Opioids include illicit drugs such as heroin and carfentanil as well as prescription medications used to treat pain such...

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Oct • 11 • 2019

Types of Conditions Treated by Internal Medicine Providers

Certain medical conditions require constant attention. Lifestyle and heredity often determine the quality of your health. It often becomes necessary to deal with the changes and challenges of your...

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Oct • 11 • 2019

What Training Is Required for an Internist?

You have decided to schedule an appointment with an Internal Medicine physician – also known as an Internist. Understandably, you might have two questions:

What type of care does an Internist provide?

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Jun • 11 • 2019

Best Running Trails and Routes in Johnson County

Have an upcoming run on your calendar or trying to fit into your schedule more regularly? Planning ahead of time can not only help you commit to a new habit or training program but will also help...

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Jun • 11 • 2019

Physical Therapy: What is the Kinesio Taping Method?

Football, soccer, running, even swimming -- you might have noticed the often colorful tape on athletes arms and legs. It’s not spirit wear, in fact Kinesio tape is used to treat a variety of...

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Jun • 11 • 2019

5 Things to Know About Joint Replacement

If you are experiencing unbearable knee, shoulder or hip pain and physical therapy and medicines are no longer helping, not all is lost. There are options to help!

More than 1 million joint...

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Jun • 11 • 2019

The 5 Most Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Who wouldn’t like to spend more time outside? Whether you want to soak up more sunshine and relaxation or meet a new healthy challenge, it’s important to be familiar with common exercise injuries to...

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Jun • 10 • 2019

Sports Massage Really Does Hurt So Good

“It’s a good kind of hurt.” Sport Massage Therapy may not have the same ambiance or effects of a luxurious spa treatment, but the benefits will improve your athletic performance and help injury...

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Jun • 5 • 2019

How to Shoulder On Through Your Pain

Shoulder injuries happen easier than you might think and they can be painful!

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May • 30 • 2019

How to Prepare for Orthopedic Surgery

Surgery isn’t easy. For some, it’s especially anxiety provoking— but it doesn’t have to be.

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