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Our Blog

Sep • 29 • 2018

Understanding Pinkeye: Common Questions From Parents

Pinkeye can be highly contagious. If your child or someone in your family has pinkeye, consult a family doctor or ophthalmologist. It’s important to determine exactly what’s going on, and what steps...

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Sep • 27 • 2018

Primary Care Physicians are Specialists, Too

When you have a specific disease or condition, specialists provide hyper-focused care in areas such as endocrinology, cardiovascular surgery or gastroenterology.

However, primary care physicians are...

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Sep • 24 • 2018

When Should I Get a Second Opinion?

Questioning the diagnosis of your doctor can be an uncomfortable situation. Many people fear they will hurt their doctors feelings or that they may receive worse care because they will be seen as...

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Jul • 20 • 2018

Why You Should Not Ignore Spider Veins

One-third of the U.S. population has varicose veins of some kind, including spider veins - thin, wispy veins that are usually most visible across the legs and feet. And if your parents have them, you...

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Jul • 20 • 2018

What Role Do Genetics Play in Vein Disease?

Do you have varicose veins? If so, you should know that 50% of varicose vein patients have a family history of developing them, and you have a 90% chance of developing them if both of your parents...

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Jul • 17 • 2018

How to Avoid Vein Disease When You Stand All Day

All jobs have an impact on our bodies. Even the most sedentary jobs leave us feeling at least a little bit tired at the end of the day, but jobs where you are on your feet most of the day seem to...

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Jul • 9 • 2018

Dietary Supplements Known to Help With Vein Disease

Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans over age 45 has some type of vein disease? Many people don’t even realize they have it or don’t realize the seriousness of its early symptoms.

Vein disease, also...

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Jul • 1 • 2018

How Alcohol Can Affect Your Varicose Veins

It’s fairly common knowledge that smoking, poor diet, and inactivity can lead to the development of varicose veins. However, many people don’t know that alcohol use can also have major effects on...

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Jun • 21 • 2018

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis, and What Are the Treatments?

Vein diseases of any kind can be very scary. After all, the circulatory system runs constantly and requires unhindered operation to run smoothly! Deep vein thrombosis may be the most serious type of...

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Jun • 1 • 2018

3 Ways to Control Leg Swelling From Vein Disease

Those varicose veins in your legs are not only unattractive, they can be an indicator of a more serious health issue. And if you have swelling around protruding leg veins, you need to see a physician.

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May • 18 • 2018

Coping with Treatments for Skin Cancer

A new diagnosis of skin cancer brings immediate questions about treatment. How treatable is it? What are my options? The good news is that most types of cancer have effective treatment options and...

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May • 17 • 2018

These are the Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma

Despite decades of public awareness, melanoma diagnoses are still occurring at epidemic rates. Researchers believe this is a combination of something good - melanoma awareness - and something bad: a...

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