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Our Blog

Jul • 26 • 2024

Back to School: Tips to Help Students Adjust

With fall just around the corner, back-to-school season is quickly approaching. This can be an exciting time as it's one step closer to graduation, college or joining the workforce. It's also a time...

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Jul • 25 • 2024

Breastfeeding Nutrition: Tips for Moms

If you're breastfeeding, you're giving your baby nutrients that will promote growth and health. You might have questions, however, about what foods and drinks are best for you — and how your diet...

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Jul • 25 • 2024

Feeding your Newborn: Tips for New Parents

Feeding a newborn is a round-the-clock commitment. It's also an opportunity to begin forming a bond with the newest member of your family. Consider these tips for feeding a newborn.

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Jul • 15 • 2024

Keep Your Cool While Exercising in the Heat

The warm weather is a perfect motivator to get outside, go for a walk, and get off the couch and move around. For many people, exercising outdoors certainly feels better than being stuck inside due...

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Jul • 12 • 2024

Heel Pain? It Might be Plantar Fasciitis

"My heel is killing me!" is without a doubt one of the most common sentences uttered in podiatry offices worldwide. Heel pain can range from slightly uncomfortable to utterly debilitating. Most...

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Jul • 12 • 2024

You Sprained Your Ankle — Now What?

You step off a sidewalk curb, land wrong after shooting a basketball or stumble on uneven ground. Your ankle pops, twists or crunches, and now you're limping and sore. You may just have sprained your...

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Jul • 8 • 2024

Be Sun Savvy, Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer

Ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause skin damage in as little as 15 minutes. Prolonged exposure and damage can lead to various forms ofskin cancer, many of which, thankfully, are preventable.

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Jul • 2 • 2024

How to Stay Hydrated Over the Summer

Staying hydrated during the warm summer months is an important part of enjoying the season. Whether your plans include more walks or bicycle rides, soaking up the sun, or taking that long-awaited...

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Jun • 17 • 2024

When Temps Rise, Remember These Heatstroke Prevention Tips

Time outdoors is time well spent throughout the year, but it's especially enjoyable during the summer. Hiking, fishing, boating and other warm-weather activities can renew your appreciation for...

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Jun • 17 • 2024

Stay Cool During Your Summer Pregnancy

Summer means fun in the sun, frolicking in a pool and eating hot dogs and potato salad at family picnics – unless you are pregnant.

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May • 13 • 2024

Is It Safe to Take Allergy Medicine During Pregnancy?

Sometimes, healthcare professionals recommend certain allergy medicines during pregnancy. But before you take an allergy medicine, try to ease your symptoms with the following tips:

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Apr • 5 • 2024

Lookout: Here's What NOT to Do During a Total Eclipse

Having a rare total eclipse in Johnson County, Indiana is a rare celestial event. Thousands of visitors are expected to travel to our community to experience it. Undoubtedly, you have plans with...

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