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Our Blog

Mar • 22 • 2024

When a Lump is More Than a Lump?

A breast self-exam is an inspection of your breasts that you do on your own. To help increase your breast awareness, you use your eyes and hands to regularly observe the look and feel of your breasts.

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Mar • 22 • 2024

Recommended Screenings for Women in Midlife and Beyond

At a typical yearly visit in primary care, your health care provider is likely to run through a checklist of screening questions with you. As you near middle age, you may dread that...

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Feb • 4 • 2024

Why are My Periods So Irregular, Heavy and Painful?

Menstrual cycle irregularities are not unusual, although the causes of abnormal bleeding may vary by age. For example, cancers are more likely to trigger irregular bleeding in postmenopausal women...

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Feb • 4 • 2024

Why are Prenatal Vitamins Important?

A healthy diet is the best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need. But during pregnancy, you might fall short on key nutrients. If you're pregnant or hoping to conceive, prenatal vitamins can...

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Feb • 2 • 2024

3 Things to Know About Women's Heart Health

Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year, according to the American Heart Association. Progress has been made to reduce cardiovascular disease for every...

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Dec • 21 • 2023

Antidepressants and Weight Gain

One common side effect experienced by people, especially women, taking antidepressants is weight gain. This happens for a variety of reasons, including fluid retention, lack of exercise, and improved...

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Nov • 29 • 2023

Essential Tips to Ensure Safe Sleep for Infants

The risk for sudden infant death syndrome, orSIDS, is highest in the first year of life. SIDS often happens during sleep, which is why knowing and practicing safe sleep is so important.

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Nov • 29 • 2023

Tips for Keeping Your Baby Safe

From the moment you see that little heartbeat on the screen, your life changes. Your new goal is to keep this little human safe and happy. There is no shortage of advice available — from online blogs...

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Nov • 28 • 2023

Grief During the Holidays: Find Hope

The holiday season can be one of the most difficult times of the year when you have experienced the death of someone you love.

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Nov • 28 • 2023

Holiday Season Depression is Real and Here's How to Help Cope

Many people suffer from seasonal depression, which can cause seasonal mood fluctuations during the holiday season. How can people know if they are experiencing actual clinical depression or perhaps...

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Nov • 25 • 2023

How to Keep the Family Calm and Carrying On During the Holidays

Tis the season for celebrating our blessings, eating holiday delights and spending time with family.

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Nov • 7 • 2023

How to Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

Lifestyle changes can help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease. Prevention is especially important if you're currently at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes...

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