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Our Blog

Jan • 24 • 2022

6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Heart’s Health During Pandemic

It’s February, and if you already feel a little guilty about the New Year’s Resolutions you’ve let slip, you are not alone.

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Jan • 17 • 2022

Even in the Midst of a Pandemic, Get Your Flu Shot

Even though efforts are focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, influenza remains a real danger in Central Indiana this winter.

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Jan • 17 • 2022

How to Motivate Your Kids to Be Active During the Winter

While your children may be confined indoors for long stretches this winter, there are still a lot of ways you can encourage them to stay active for their physical and emotional well-being.

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Jan • 10 • 2022

What Are the Signs of Emotional Abuse?

When people think of abuse, they often picture battered women who have been physically assaulted, but abuse does not always include violence. Many men and women suffer from emotional abuse.

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Jan • 8 • 2022

What To Do If a Family Member Has COVID-19

As the percentage of Hoosiers testing positive for the COVID-19 Omicron variant continues to exceed record levels, chances are someone in your home will become infected.

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Dec • 1 • 2021

7 Healthy Habits to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

This time of year most people reflect on the past year and make resolutions or goals to make the new year even better. A lot of times, those new resolutions only last a few days or weeks, and they...

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Oct • 22 • 2021

Urinary Incontinence: Frequently Asked Questions

Patients should start a dialogue if experiencing symptoms of urinary incontinence sooner rather than later, so that your physician can help you better understand the causes.

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Oct • 20 • 2021

Dealing With the Most Stressful Time of the Year

Happy Holidays? Yeah, right. Unreasonable expectations can turn you into a real Grouchy Grinch during the holiday season.

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May • 31 • 2021

Sun Safety: Tips for Healthy Summer Skin

Summer has arrived! With all the outdoor activities you will be doing in the coming weeks, it's important that you take care of your skin.

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May • 27 • 2021

How to Keep Your Child Safer This Summer

More than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger in the United States are injured in playground-related accidents during the summer.

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Jan • 2 • 2021

What You Need to Know About Children and COVID-19

We have been worried about impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our older population. A significant percentage of people who have become seriously ill or died are seniors with other health issues.


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Nov • 19 • 2020

What We Know About Smoking and Covid-19

Maybe you are taking all precautions possible to prevent the infection of Covid-19. Maybe you are wearing a mask while in the public, staying socially distant from others and washing your hands often.

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