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6 Questions You're Too Afraid to Ask Your Doctor

Johnson Memorial Health on Jul 5, 2022

Blog-Questions-for-DoctorsAlthough you hopefully like and trust your doctor, sometimes it can be embarrassing to ask really personal questions. Yet keeping secrets could lead to worse health problems in the end.

It's important to remember that there's nothing you can ask that will surprise or embarrass your doctor. Chances are, if something itches, hurts, smells, bleeds or doesn't feel normal, you need a doctor's help to get better. Your doctor can calm your fears and help you treat the problem.

Here are 6 questions you might be too afraid to ask your doctor ­ and the answers you're seeking.

1. What can I do to prevent excessive sweating?

Sweat plays a necessary part in regulating body temperature, but stained and soggy clothes can be annoying. Some people obviously have it worse than others. Try a new over­the­counter antiperspirant that contains at least 12% aluminum chloride. If there is still a problem, you can get a prescription-strength antiperspirant from your doctor.

2. What can I do about my foot odor?

Sweat and bacteria cause foot odor. Here are some tips for fresher feet:

  • Reduce bacteria by washing your feet with antibacterial soap.
  • Apply a high­powered antiperspirant with aluminum chloride to your feet before bed. This will give it time to plug up the sweat glands on your feet. If you do it during the day, you will walk on it causing the active ingredients to wear off.

3. Why are my breasts different sizes?

Breasts are rarely the exact same size. It's usually a subtle difference, but sometimes they can vary by an entire cup size. Breast shape and symmetry depend on many factors including tissue, fat distribution and bra support. In fact, your breast size can change daily with fluctuating estrogen levels and it’s especially noticeable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

4. Why am I constipated?

As you get older, your digestive system changes and slows down. Certain medications –like painkillers or antidepressants – can also cause constipation. Eating right and moving more can help you get back on track. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Try to eat 25 grams of fiber each day. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are great sources of fiber. Fiber supplements are also available.
  • Aim for 30 minutes of exercise each day.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking at least 4 glasses of water each day. Add an extra glass for each caffeinated drink you have.
  • Laxatives can help since they stimulate the intestines and soften stools. Be sure to check with your doctor first to make sure they don’t interfere with other medications you’re taking.

5. Why am I so gassy?

Eating a healthy, fiber­rich diet can cause gas. Beans, milk, vegetables and fruit among other foods can call cause gas. Gas isn’t dangerous, but it can make you uncomfortable or embarrassed.

Keep track of foods that cause you to be more gassy and swap out some of those foods for probiotic yogurt. Probiotic yogurt may help improve digestion and the growth of beneficial bacteria. There are also many over­the­counter anti­gas remedies you can try. Many of these contain simethicone and will relieve the pressure, fullness, and bloating that is often associated with gas.

6. Why am I wetting the bed?

“In adults, bed­wetting (also known as nocturnal enuresis) is frustrating but usually not serious,” says Bruce Rosenzweig, M.D., director of urogynecology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Despite being an embarrassing topic you should seek treatment. Possible causes could include an overactive bladder which can easily be treated. It could also be a sign of something more serious.

If any of the above issues concern you, we encourage you to courageously ask your doctor so that you can put your mind at ease ­ and hopefully fix whatever may be ailing you.

Topics: Doctor