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Our Blog

Apr • 15 • 2019

The Truth About Menopause

Menopause is a far-off event for much of a woman’s life, something we easily brush aside in the face of more immediate concerns related to our reproductive ability. Then, one day, after we’ve been...

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Apr • 14 • 2019

5 Reasons Why Pelvic Health Is Important For Women

First things first: Do you know where your pelvis is? Your pelvis is located between your abdomen and your legs.

Your pelvic floor is made up of muscles and tissue between the bony parts of your...

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Apr • 3 • 2019

That Pelvic Pain Could Be Endometriosis

When you feel pain, your body is sending a signal – usually indicating something is not right.

When women feel pain in their pelvic area, they should heed the warning and see a doctor. One of the...

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Mar • 18 • 2019

Safety Tips When Taking Small Kids on Spring Break Trips

Southern destinations aren't just for college students blowing off a little steam this time of year.

Spring Break also is a blast for families trying to get a little time together at the beach or...

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Mar • 12 • 2019

Coming Back from an Exercise Injury or a Long Break From Working Out

Summer is here. Maybe you took an exercise hiatus during the winter and are thinking about getting back into your routine soon. Or maybe you haven’t exercised in a year or two because your initial...

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Mar • 12 • 2019

Preparing to Exercise Outside in All Kinds of Weather

You love your exercise routine. You feel physically, mentally, and emotionally better when you make time every week, or even every day, to exercise. One of the things that can throw a monkey wrench...

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Mar • 12 • 2019

Finding Creative Ways to Fit Running into Your Busy Schedule

We get it! Thanks to your full-time job, your family commitments, and carving out time to spend with your friends, your schedule is packed. It’s all you can do to get a decent night’s sleep!  


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Feb • 22 • 2019

Myths and Truths About Wine and Chocolate

Have you ever heard the saying, “A glass of wine and a piece of dark chocolate a day keeps the doctor away?”

Probably not. Yet, every day, patients see articles about a new study proclaiming the...

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Jan • 20 • 2019

How Does Hypertension Harm Your Health?

Hypertension, or enduring high blood pressure, is a condition that can quietly cause damage across the body. That’s why it’s crucial to have your blood pressure checked regularly: to catch high blood...

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Jan • 13 • 2019

7 Common Myths About Hypertension

When your blood pressure stays high for too long, you have hypertension. It can be the result of excess salt, smoking, drinking, obesity, or a combination of factors. Or, as unfair as it is, you...

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Jan • 1 • 2019

How Does an MRI Work?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the best way for doctors to see inside your body without doing so invasively. It uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of your organs,...

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Dec • 30 • 2018

The Three Trimesters of Pregnancy

Whether you are expecting for the first time or you have already been down that road before, you might want a roadmap for the journey. It’s one of the most joyous times in your life, and pregnancy...

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