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Our Blog

May • 15 • 2018

Do You Know the 4 Main Types of Skin Cancer?

As the sun shines in spring and the days lengthen toward summer, ‘tis the season for sunscreen. Using a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher is one of the best ways to protect yourself against skin cancer,...

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May • 7 • 2018

Be Careful, The Sun is Finally Shining

Spring is in full swing, and summer is not far behind.

While we welcome the warmer weather here, it's a good idea to take some precautions before venturing out to plant those flowers or spend the day...

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Apr • 3 • 2018

What is Stroke Ready Certification?

Here’s great health news for central Indiana residents: Johnson Memorial Health was awarded Stroke Ready Certification from the Healthcare Facility Accreditation Program (HFAP). This accreditation...

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Mar • 27 • 2018

Does Not Having Children Affect Reproductive Health for Women?

Over the past few decades, experts have debated the impact of not having children on women’s health. Between 1994 and 2014, the percentage of women who had no children by age 44 hovered between 15...

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Mar • 27 • 2018

The Three Stages of Menopause

Did you know menopause isn’t just one phase? It’s actually divided into three stages, based on where you are in your reproductive and hormonal life. Here’s a closer look at the four stages of...

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Mar • 19 • 2018

How to Know If You Have a Hormone Imbalance

Your hormones are like chemical messengers that deliver changes throughout your body. Over the course of your lifetime, hormones shape your body and mind. Anyone can have a hormone shift or...

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Mar • 8 • 2018

What Should I Do If My PMS Is Getting Worse?

Like clockwork, many women experience premenstrual symptoms including body tenderness and bloating. These symptoms typically arise a few days before you get your period each month and fade as it goes...

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Mar • 5 • 2018

Is it Normal to Have Hot Flashes in Your 30s or 40s?

When a woman has hot flashes, the first thought is the m-word: menopause. In the U.S., the average age of menopause onset is 51, but that average is surrounded by a wide swath of time that...

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Feb • 22 • 2018

Why it Might Be Time for a Colon Cancer Screening

One-third of Americans who are due for a colorectal cancer screening haven’t gotten one. That means millions of people who could have cancer, polyps, or other colon issues are totally unaware of it....

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Feb • 11 • 2018

What to Do When Your Friend Has Cancer

The news devastates you, too.

When you learn that a friend has been diagnosed with cancer, you are not sure what to do. You may not know how to help, let alone what to say.

You may not realize it...

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Jan • 24 • 2018

Does My Teen Still Need Well-Child Visits?

The number of U.S. kids receiving well-child care has increased in the past 10 years. An estimate from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) showed that the rate of children age 10 to 17 who did not...

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Jan • 17 • 2018

Cut Care: Protecting Cuts From Infection and Scarring

Oh no! Your child got a scrape on the knee. What’s the best thing to do next? Flush it with hydrogen peroxide? Wrap it tightly? Slather it with butter?

Cuts and scrapes are subject to a lot of myths...

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