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Dietary Supplements Known to Help With Vein Disease

Johnson Memorial Health on Jul 9, 2018

Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans over age 45 has some type of vein disease? Many people don’t even realize they have it or don’t realize the seriousness of its early symptoms.

Vein disease, also known as venous disease, often goes even deeper than what we see on the surface; it doesn’t stop with symptoms like skin changes, ulcers, spider veins, and varicose veins. Venous diseases deal with blood flow inefficiencies and are life-threatening.


Generally, they’re divided into several categories depending on how they affect your body:

Deep venous thrombosis. DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in a large vein, usually in the leg, thigh or pelvis.

Pulmonary embolism. PE happens when part or all of a blood clot breaks off and moves to the lungs.

Lymphedema. This is a blockage of the lymph vessels that drain fluid from body tissues.

Chronic venous disease. CVD encompasses:

  • Varicose and spider veins
  • Leg swelling, pain, skin changes, and ulcers
  • Chronic venous insufficiency
  • Phlebitis
  • Vascular malformations

Do Dietary Supplements Help Vein Disease?

Alternative medications, like supplements, are not regulated in the U.S. like doctor-prescribed medications. While the Food and Drug Administration provides some guidelines, supplements are generally not medically proven and do not address the underlying causes of disease. Consult your doctor before taking them.

With that being said, some dietary supplements show promise for helping with vein disease. Certain vitamins and supplements are hailed by vein disease patients as assisting with their overall circulation, reduction of inflammation, and long-term health outlook.

Here are the latest options that may help you.

Daily Multivitamins for Vein Disease

Although multivitamins don’t directly address vein disease, having the right vitamins in your body does support good circulation. Taking a daily multivitamin is a good idea, as long as your doctor agrees - and it’s important to check, because certain circulatory medications, like Coudmadin, should not be consumed with high doses of Vitamin K.

Supplements for Vein Disease

Patients with vein disease often seek out supplements due to the seriousness of the condition. Anything that can help is a relief. Here are some supplements that are being discussed in the medical community.

Although there is insufficient evidence so far to determine the medical effectiveness of Gotu Kola, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, and Pycnogenol, they have found popularity among DVT patients. These supplements are intended to support and boost the circulatory system, and some patients report having fewer episodes of reduced blood flow while using them.

Mesoglycan, made from cow or pig organs, is sometimes put in the same category as the others, but some evidence shows that it is ineffective at its claims of helping the circulatory system and brain.

Vitamin E and Vitamin D seem to have natural anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties, but so far the best delivery method seems to be not through pills, but through foods: fruits, vegetables, and eggs.

Fish oil, primrose oil, and green tea are other things that may help promote good circulation due to body-wide anti-thrombotic - or anti-clot - properties.

Even chocolate and garlic have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, and may reduce the tendency of platelets in the blood to clot and form blockages.

If you need medical advice about taking supplements for vein disease, reach out to the doctors at Johnson Memorial Health. Our vein disease experts and Wound Healing Center are great resources for vein disease support.

Topics: Vein Disease