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Our Blog

Jun • 13 • 2016

Life After Gastric Bypass Depends on You

Deciding to have gastric bypass surgery is complicated - requiring the full consideration of its risks and benefits.

Equally important, before going forward, is understanding what happens and what is...

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Jun • 6 • 2016

What You Need to Know About Gastric Bypass Surgery

If obesity is threatening your health and life, you are not alone.

Obesity has steadily increased among the United States population the past 20 years. According to the National Institute of Health,...

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May • 17 • 2016

How to Get Ready for Your Primary Care Doctor Exam

The success of your primary care doctor appointment depends on the homework you complete before your examination.

Blood tests and diagnostic imaging results tell a lot about your physical well-being....

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May • 3 • 2016

Why You Still Need a Primary Care Physician

This is not your grandparents' medical industry today.

Remarkable advances in technology and knowledge mean we can treat diseases and conditions with more advanced procedures and medicines than...

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Apr • 12 • 2016

5 Foods That Increase Blood Sugar Levels

Common sense dictates that diabetics should avoid cakes, pies and cookies.

Since their systems already have difficulty breaking down glucose, eating sugary treats can quickly spike a diabetic's blood...

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Mar • 8 • 2016

Eat What Your Gut Tells You to Eat

You have heard the phrase: "Do what your gut tells you to do."

And if you are paying attention to your colon, it's probably letting you know whether or not you are taking good care of it (and the...

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Feb • 25 • 2016

When to Take Your Child to the Emergency Room

Kids bump and bang their way through their early years. They also pick up nasty bugs.

They are kids. That's what they do.

For parents, especially new parents, realizing the seriousness of injury or...

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Feb • 11 • 2016

Diabetics Need Immediate First Aid for Low Blood Sugars

Diabetics, diagnosed as someone with extraordinarily high blood sugars, sometimes experience quite the opposite. And when they do, it is important to treat low blood sugar conditions promptly.


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Feb • 2 • 2016

Primary Care vs. Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room: How to Decide

When a sudden illness or accident strikes you, your child, or aging parent, it can be confusing and stressful to decide where to go for help.

Naturally, in severe or life-threatening emergencies we...

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Dec • 31 • 2015

Your Healthcare Checklist for the New Year

Every year around New Year, we think about changes we would like to make in the coming year. Many go so far as to make resolutions to make positive changes in their life. Some even keep those...

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Dec • 24 • 2015

10 Tips for Increasing Breastmilk Supply

Most women know the importance of breastfeeding, yet we realize the challenges and understand that not all women will be able to breastfeed their infants.

Breast milk contains just the right amount...

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Dec • 17 • 2015

How Do I Talk to Someone About Depression?

Many people suffer from depression. Because it is a mental disorder, it is often associated with weakness or excessive emotion. It's not something that people are comfortable talking about. Recently,

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