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Our Blog

Oct • 1 • 2015

15 Home Safety Practices for Aging Adults and Caretakers

As we age, we need to take some extra precautions to ensure safety. Sometimes that means enlisting the help of others. Take a look at the following excerpt from a news release from the Home Safety...

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Sep • 29 • 2015

What to Expect in Your Second Trimester of Pregnancy

The second trimester (weeks 13-27 or 4-6 months) is the part of your pregnancy you've likely been looking forward to, especially if you had a lot of negative symptoms during the first trimester. As...

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Sep • 22 • 2015

9 Physical Changes That Come With Aging

As we age, our bodies go through a lot of changes. On the outside we change physically, but there are a lot of internal changes that occur too. 

Knowing what to expect and how to slow some of those...

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Sep • 17 • 2015

6 Ways Parents Can Support Their Student Athlete

Being a student athlete can be a fun and exciting time for your child, whether they are participating in a recreational summer league or playing on the high school team. Being part of a team is a...

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Sep • 15 • 2015

Five of the Most Highly-rated Guide Books for New Parents

Often new parents have no idea what to expect in terms of welcoming their little one into the world. The good news is that there are plenty of books to help you out. There are guidebooks for new...

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Sep • 10 • 2015

A Guide to Finding the Perfect Maternity Bra

When you are pregnant your body is changing every week. To be as comfortable as possible, you'll need to buy new bras to fit your growing body. Here are a few tips to finding the perfect maternity...

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Sep • 8 • 2015

What to Expect in Your First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy can be overwhelming, especially if you have never been pregnant before. Knowing what to expect during your pregnancy will help you deal with the physical and...

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Aug • 27 • 2015

Why Women Need Comprehensive Services Before and After Childbirth

At Johnson Memorial, we believe in compassionate, comprehensive care for all of our patients. We care for the whole patient, not just the medical need for which we are seeing them. In providing this...

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Aug • 20 • 2015

What Are the Standards of Maternity Leave in the Workplace

Many women choose to take a few weeks off of work after giving birth to recover and get to know their new little one. Once you find out that you are expecting or maybe even planning to adopt, it's a...

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Aug • 13 • 2015

Recovery Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery

Many surgeries today can be minimally invasive, or done with laparoscopic methods. There are many benefits to this type of procedure which is why many surgeons choose this method over a more...

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Aug • 11 • 2015

August: National Breastfeeding Month

August is National Breastfeeding Month. This campaign is sponsored by the United States Breastfeeding Committee hopes to educate and empower women to breastfeed their babies. This health observance...

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Aug • 6 • 2015

How Often Should I Go to the Doctor?

When was the last time you saw your doctor? Most people don't think about visiting the doctor unless they feel sick or have a problem. Even when you are healthy, it's wise to have a yearly check up....

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