The Indy Mini Marathon is the largest half marathon in the country, and it happens right here in our community. This year, the big event takes place on Saturday, May 7, 2016. The 13.1 mile course takes you through downtown Indianapolis and around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway as part the 500 Festival leading up to the Indy 500 at the end of the month. There are shorter distance options available including a 5k (3.1 miles), a miler series where you can select a three, six, or ten mile run, and a kids run. This year, there are new challenge options for mini maniacs who want to go the extra mile...or extra 20 miles. Click here to see the details.
image source: One America Mini Marathon
Race for a Reason
This race is part of the 500 Festival, but there are other good reasons to participate in the mini. Many participants run or walk with a goal in mind or by raising awareness and supporting a non-profit organization. Click here to see the Mini with a Meaning teams currently available.
Beginners Start Here
This marathon is not just for experienced runners. Anyone can participate in the race. In fact, you don't even have to run. Many people walk the course.
The Mini has an official training program sponsored by the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis. It's a proven training program that lasts 15 weeks that includes weekly running and walking plans to prepare you for the big day. You'll also have access to expert advice and training materials to help you along your way.
If you are wanting to do your own training, many plans can be found through an internet search. There are plans for those going from the couch to the 5k and beyond. With any new exercise program, it's always best to talk to your doctor and make sure it's a good choice for you.
Registration Information
This huge event usually sells out, so if you want to sign up you'll want to do it quickly. Here are some important registration dates to remember:
- The miler series is open now to Jan. 31, 2016
- The mini (13.1 miles) is open now to Feb. 14, 2016
- The 5k race is open now to Feb 14, 2016
- The kids run is first come first serve on the day of the event.
- Click here for more information on special registration packages and event possibilities.