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Our Blog

Jul • 15 • 2024

Keep Your Cool While Exercising in the Heat

The warm weather is a perfect motivator to get outside, go for a walk, and get off the couch and move around. For many people, exercising outdoors certainly feels better than being stuck inside due...

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Jul • 8 • 2024

Be Sun Savvy, Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer

Ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause skin damage in as little as 15 minutes. Prolonged exposure and damage can lead to various forms ofskin cancer, many of which, thankfully, are preventable.

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Jul • 2 • 2024

How to Stay Hydrated Over the Summer

Staying hydrated during the warm summer months is an important part of enjoying the season. Whether your plans include more walks or bicycle rides, soaking up the sun, or taking that long-awaited...

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Dec • 1 • 2021

7 Healthy Habits to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

This time of year most people reflect on the past year and make resolutions or goals to make the new year even better. A lot of times, those new resolutions only last a few days or weeks, and they...

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Dec • 26 • 2019

10 Healthy Meal Planning Tips for Working Moms

We have all felt and given in to the temptation of swinging by McDonald's or ordering a pizza for dinner after a long day of work. The kids are hungry, you have nothing prepared to eat, and you don't...

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Sep • 24 • 2018

When Should I Get a Second Opinion?

Questioning the diagnosis of your doctor can be an uncomfortable situation. Many people fear they will hurt their doctors feelings or that they may receive worse care because they will be seen as...

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Nov • 15 • 2017

4 Important Health Tips for Former Smokers

Did you quit smoking? Congratulations! That’s a huge step toward better lifelong health. Quitting smoking can add up to 10 years to your lifespan and reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and...

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Mar • 29 • 2017

Nutrition Tips for Managing Diabetes

Eating healthy, well-balanced meals is important part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition to healthy eating, regular exercise is important for everyone. For those people who have diabetes or who are...

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Dec • 3 • 2015

Indy Mini Marathon Training Guide for Beginners

The Indy Mini Marathon is the largest half marathon in the country, and it happens right here in our community. This year, the big event takes place on Saturday, May 7, 2016. The 13.1 mile course...

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Nov • 26 • 2015

Remedies and Treatment for Hot Flash Relief

Menopause is a fact of life for all women. One of the biggest complaints of women going through menopause or perimenopause (the time before menopause) is hot flashes. In fact nearly 75% of women say...

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Oct • 8 • 2015

Juicing Fads: Health Benefits or Hoax?

Juicing. If you search the Internet, you'll find thousands of articles. This shows that it's a popular idea, but does that mean it is the healthiest way to get your fix of fruits and vegetables? You...

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Sep • 22 • 2015

9 Physical Changes That Come With Aging

As we age, our bodies go through a lot of changes. On the outside we change physically, but there are a lot of internal changes that occur too. 

Knowing what to expect and how to slow some of those...

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