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Our Blog

Jun • 11 • 2015

Nutritionist or Registered Dietitian: What's the Difference?

Are you planning to start a new weight loss routine? Have you been trying to lose weight with no progress? Do you want to boost your sports performance? Or do you just want to be more knowledgable...

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May • 26 • 2015

What Are My Surgical and Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options?

With summer quickly approaching, you may be looking for weight loss options. Whether you just want to drop a few pounds, or you have much more than a few to lose, you are not alone!

Nearly a third of...

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May • 21 • 2015

Temptation Bundling: 5 Fun Workouts to Do While You Watch Television

Do you have things you know you should do, but lack motivation to actually do them? You know you should exercise, but never seem to find the time.

You know you should eat better, but can't pass up...

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May • 19 • 2015

Review of the Best Weight Loss Apps of 2015

Most people make a new years resolution to get into shape or lose a couple extra pounds. Some people give up on that resolution by the middle of February. Now that summer is quickly approaching, you...

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May • 14 • 2015

"Clean Eating" and Other Popular Health Phrases Explained

If you are looking for information about different types or theories of eating, you will often hear buzz words. 

It seems that a new "diet" is being introduced all the time. Emily Wolfe, a registered...

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Apr • 21 • 2015

The Basics of Building a Tasty Nutritious Smoothie

Smoothies are are great way to get a quick dose of vitamins and minerals. They are a great choice for a healthy breakfast, snack, or post-workout boost because they are so quick, easy, and nutritious.

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Apr • 16 • 2015

Healthy Recipes Using Farmers Market Finds

The farmers market is a great place to find the freshest sweet corn, the reddest, ripest tomatoes and the most fragrant, flavorful strawberries. Taste heirloom vegetables and fruits and sample...

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Apr • 14 • 2015

Bone Density Testing: Why It's Important for Women's Health

Johnson Memorial offers bone density testing to detect the risk of osteoporosis. Women are at risk of developing osteoporosis.

People used to think that osteoporosis was an inevitable part of aging....

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Apr • 9 • 2015

10 Best Pregnancy Exercises and Activities

Exercise is important. It's especially important when you are expecting. Exercise can boost moods, improve sleep, prevent extra weight gain and reduce aches and pains that can come along with...

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Mar • 31 • 2015

How Heart Healthy Is Your Diet? [Quiz]

It's the last day for National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme is “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle.” If you've been following the blog, you'll know we've been focusing on heart healthy diets this...

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Mar • 24 • 2015

6 Ways to Eat Healthier At Work for National Nutrition Month

This is a guest post from Stephanie Fisher at SpinWeb, an Indianapolis-based digital agency. We enjoyed this article and they gave us permission to repost it here on our blog. Enjoy!

March is ...

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