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Our Blog

Jul • 2 • 2015

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Having Sex During Pregnancy (But Were Afraid to Ask)

You have to have sex to get pregnant, but what about after you are already pregnant? Is it OK? Will it hurt the baby? Is there a time when it's not OK? Are there certain things I should know before...

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Jun • 18 • 2015

Take Care of Dad: Men's Health and Screenings

Besides Father's Day, June is also Men's Health Month. This month is the perfect time to encourage men to get checked. Regular checkups and screenings play an important role in early detection and...

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Jun • 11 • 2015

Nutritionist or Registered Dietitian: What's the Difference?

Are you planning to start a new weight loss routine? Have you been trying to lose weight with no progress? Do you want to boost your sports performance? Or do you just want to be more knowledgable...

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Jun • 2 • 2015

The Most Common Causes of Knee Pain While Running (And What To Do About It)

This year, National Running Day will mark its sixth anniversary on June 3rd. Tomorrow, runners of all skill levels will come together to celebrate their love of the sport.

Ideally something as good...

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May • 28 • 2015

Where to Find Classy Maternity Swimwear

With Memorial Day just around the corner, the pools will soon be open for business! If you're pregnant and looking for the perfect swimsuit, you may have a few questions about what to wear.


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May • 26 • 2015

What Are My Surgical and Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options?

With summer quickly approaching, you may be looking for weight loss options. Whether you just want to drop a few pounds, or you have much more than a few to lose, you are not alone!

Nearly a third of...

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May • 21 • 2015

Temptation Bundling: 5 Fun Workouts to Do While You Watch Television

Do you have things you know you should do, but lack motivation to actually do them? You know you should exercise, but never seem to find the time.

You know you should eat better, but can't pass up...

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May • 19 • 2015

Review of the Best Weight Loss Apps of 2015

Most people make a new years resolution to get into shape or lose a couple extra pounds. Some people give up on that resolution by the middle of February. Now that summer is quickly approaching, you...

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May • 14 • 2015

"Clean Eating" and Other Popular Health Phrases Explained

If you are looking for information about different types or theories of eating, you will often hear buzz words. 

It seems that a new "diet" is being introduced all the time. Emily Wolfe, a registered...

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May • 7 • 2015

Understanding the Paleo Diet: Is It For You?

You have probably heard of the hugely popular Paleo diet. Maybe you've heard it called the caveman diet or the primal diet. The premise is that modern diets rely too much on processed foods. If we...

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May • 5 • 2015

The Benefits and Safety of Pregnancy Yoga

If you are pregnant and looking for ways to stay fit, you might be interested in prenatal yoga. Not only is prenatal yoga a great exercise to take up, but it is also a fantastic way to prepare your...

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Apr • 28 • 2015

A Review of the Top Smart Phone Apps for Expectant Mothers

Pregnant? There's an app for that. Not sure what to expect when you're expecting? Your smartphone can help. Pregnancy-related apps are a booming market. According to research done by ByteMobile...

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