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Our Blog

Jan • 24 • 2017

Exercise Boosts Your Body During Cancer Treatment

While undergoing treatment for cancer, you need every advantage for the best outcome.

That includes exercising.

Chemotherapy and radiation often zap your energy, but you can boost your immune system...

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Jan • 17 • 2017

Cancer Patients Need Emotional Care, Too

Besides the physical challenges of treatment, cancer patients also travel an emotional journey.

Fear, anxiety and depression can happen while dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy and...

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Nov • 17 • 2016

Questions to Ask Before Having Surgery

Having surgery, unless it involves an emergency or is life-threatening, is a significant decision.

Today’s surgical procedures are remarkably safer and allow for much quicker recovery. However,...

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Nov • 10 • 2016

How To Help Yourself Heal After Surgery

Surgery can fix lots of health issues – from removing a bad gallbladder to repairing a torn muscle. An operation, however, is only the first step in making you feel and function better.

The body is...

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Oct • 20 • 2016

Advances Continue in Fight Against Cancer

Though there will be an estimated 1.7 million new cancer cases in the U.S. this year, there is hope.

The American Cancer Society notes that nearly 14.5 million Americans with a history of cancer are...

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Oct • 12 • 2016

5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

We are winning the battles in the War on Cancer.

Advanced treatment options are helping cancer patients live longer, and – in many cases – achieve full remission.

While researchers continue to focus...

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Sep • 20 • 2016

Take A Walk On The Wild Side Of Good Health

Want to fit into a lower jean size? Want to improve your heart? Want to get rid of those blues?

Take a walk, pal.

Seriously, a daily brisk walk can do much for your physical and mental well-being –...

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Aug • 30 • 2016

Fall Allergies Are Nothing To Sneeze At

Labor Day Weekend is the official celebration of the American worker. It also signifies the unofficial launch of fall allergy season.

If you live in the Midwest, you know about pollen counts - which...

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Aug • 23 • 2016

Some Sweet Advice About Desserts for Diabetics

Cherry cheesecake. Apple pie ala mode. Chocolate cake with devil’s food icing.

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Aug • 10 • 2016

Answers to Your Questions About a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

There was no doubt that the lead character on the television show “Marcus Welby MD” was a doctor.

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Jul • 25 • 2016

Your Baby's Business Begins With Insurance

When a new baby arrives, events happen at warp speed. You function on adrenaline - from the birth to the onslaught of visitors to the final preparations for the trip home.

In all of the excitement,...

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Jul • 1 • 2016

Most Important Questions to Ask the Doctor When Your Child is Ill

When your child is sick, you want to do everything you can to make them feel better. If you have tried giving your child rest and other at home treatments, you may discover that you need more advice....

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