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Our Blog

Mar • 29 • 2017

How to Face Your Anxiety About Having Cancer

When Dr. Stephen Eberwine confirms a positive test result for cancer, he hears a common question from his patients.

They usually first want to know the probabilities of outcome.

“I explain that every...

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Mar • 29 • 2017

Nutrition Tips for Managing Diabetes

Eating healthy, well-balanced meals is important part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition to healthy eating, regular exercise is important for everyone. For those people who have diabetes or who are...

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Mar • 29 • 2017

What is Comprehensive Diabetic Care and Prevention?

Diabetes is a disease that affects how your body uses glucose or blood sugar. Glucose is important because it is fuel for your brain, muscles, and cells. If you have diabetes, you have too much...

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Mar • 28 • 2017

How Alcohol Affects People With Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you likely have a lot of concerns regarding food and drink. If you have just been diagnosed, you probably have even more questions. Diabetes does not mean that you can never...

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Mar • 21 • 2017

Guidelines Allow Cancer Care Closer to Home

One of the most significant advances in cancer care is location for treatments. Patients diagnosed with most common cancers don’t necessarily have to travel to metropolitan healthcare centers to...

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Mar • 14 • 2017

Johnson County Cancer by the Numbers

Although the rates are falling, Johnson County ranks 14th among Indiana counties in new cancer cases.

According to the National Cancer Institute, our community’s five-year cancer rate saw a 2.1...

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Mar • 13 • 2017

Survey Shows JMH Commitment to Patient Safety

Healthcare providers share a responsibility for their patients’ safety.

That is critical part Johnson Memorial Health’s mission. Our employees work hard to protect patients and prevent them from any...

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Mar • 1 • 2017

The Facts About Pleural Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer caused almost exclusively by exposure to toxic asbestos fibers. An estimated 3,000 patients are diagnosed annually in the United States.


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Feb • 22 • 2017

7 Cancer Screenings Every Woman Should Consider

Research confirms this fact about cancer: Early detection provides the best chances for a favorable outcome.

More than 7.6 million women are cancer survivors today – mainly because they discovered...

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Feb • 17 • 2017

What Colored Support Ribbons Mean in Cancer Fight

Cancer will afflict 41 percent of Americans in our lifetime. More than 15 million are survivors right now.

Because cancer affects our lives in so many ways, we generously give more than $5 billion...

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Feb • 9 • 2017

5 Online Resources for Cancer Patients, Families

Information is power when you are taking on cancer.

Knowing the details of the disease and treatment options, and getting support beyond family and friends help you deal with your decisions and...

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Jan • 31 • 2017

How Caregivers For Cancer Patients Can Cope

Cancer patients require physical care and emotional support. So do their caregivers.

Family members, friends or companions have lots of responsibilities when helping cancer patients go through...

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