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Our Blog

Jan • 2 • 2018

What are the Normal Side Effects of Vaccines?

Vaccines are an important part of preventive health care. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) maintains a helpful list of vaccines that are recommended for people at all stages of life, from birth...

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Dec • 26 • 2017

5 Facts about Kids’ Fevers and When to Call a Doctor

Almost every parent has felt the panic that accompanies a rising fever. As your child’s temperature creeps up, it’s hard to know whether to call a doctor. Is it just a little cold? Is it a sign of...

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Nov • 30 • 2017

COPD at Home: What You Can Do to Manage Your Symptoms

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, produces a large amount of mucus in the respiratory system that can cause coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and extreme fatigue. It’s a ...

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Nov • 15 • 2017

4 Important Health Tips for Former Smokers

Did you quit smoking? Congratulations! That’s a huge step toward better lifelong health. Quitting smoking can add up to 10 years to your lifespan and reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and...

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Nov • 15 • 2017

Be Proactive About Health Screenings

For less than $100, you could learn crucial information about the status of your heart, colon, lungs, and other body systems. Johnson Memorial Health offers a wide variety of low-cost preventive...

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Oct • 23 • 2017

Common COPD Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) means looking out for triggers that make it worse. A trigger is anything in your environment that makes you cough, wheeze, sneeze, feel short...

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Oct • 16 • 2017

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Mood?

More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, and about 1.5 million new cases are diagnosed every year. Diabetes basically means having too much glucose in the blood. Glucose fuels your brain and...

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Oct • 9 • 2017

Am I Too Young to Have Arthritis?

Younger people with joint pain, swelling, or stiffness often dismiss arthritis as a cause. After all, arthritis is for old people, right?

Not at all. About 7% of doctor-diagnosed arthritis cases are...

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Aug • 25 • 2017

Answers to Questions About Your Pap Test

The earlier cervical cancer is diagnosed, the better your chances are for a good outcome.

The most effective way to test for cervical cancer is a Pap test (also called a Pap smear). It can also...

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Aug • 3 • 2017

Signs You are Experiencing Perimenopause

Can we talk? The first reaction to the signs that women may be transitioning to menopause is as varied as the women experiencing it.

Emotions can range from sadness to happiness; from doubt to...

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Jul • 19 • 2017

Prenatal Tests Help Take Care of You and Baby

Learning that you are expecting is exciting. The anticipation of caring for a precious baby makes you happy.

Remember, though, your pregnancy is a wellness journey that requires constant attention....

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Jul • 14 • 2017

How to Have a Safe Time at the Fair

Who doesn’t love one of our summer rituals – the local fair? The rides, the food, the games.

For children, a trip to the county or state fair is an experience they will remember forever. They get to...

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