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The Important Role of Volunteers in Today's Hospitals

Johnson Memorial Health on Jul 28, 2015

Volunteers play an important role in today's hospitals. They help the hospital run smoothly, and allow doctors and nurses to spend their time focusing on providing the best healthcare for their patients. Volunteers assist hospital employees in caring for patients and visitors. There are variety of areas that depend on volunteers, encompassing all skill sets.


You are sure to find one that fits your personality.  Click here to see the volunteer areas available at Johnson Memorial. 

What is a Volunteer?

A hospital volunteer works in a hospital without regular pay. They essentially donate their time and skills to help the hospital and community. The mission of the Volunteer Services Department at Johnson Memorial Health is to "serve everyone in our hospital and community with dignity, respect, and equality."

Johnson Memorial Guild offers volunteers and fundraising to help cover hospital costs, equipment, and services not covered in the operating budget. The Guild provided the first volunteers to JMH and many of the Guild members played a part in developing the service areas we have today. You do not have to be a member of the Guild to volunteer. 

What Does a Volunteer Do?

There are many volunteer opportunities at Johnson Memorial. If you decide to donate your time, you will go through a thorough training program. Even though you are donating your time by volunteering, the staff depends on you! It's important that you don't take that lightly.

Some examples of volunteer tasks include:

  • transport patients
  • clerical duties
  • give directions or escort visitors
  • cashier
  • inventory 
  • answer telephone
  • deliver flowers
  • socialize with patients and/or visitors
  • change linens
  • restock closets
  • cleaning

Volunteer Benefits

Besides making a meaningful contribution to the hospital and the community, there are many other benefits of volunteering. You will meet new people, make new friends, and be exposed to new skills. Active volunteers will also:

  • receive orientation and training
  • periodic inservice training or workshops
  • receive a free flu shot
  • receive a meal voucher for every four hours of service
  • be invited to an annual recognition event and Christmas party
  • have good reference for employment and/or education programs
  • awards for achieved levels of service hours
  • discount movie tickets and admissions to amusement parks
  • invite to annual employee picnic
  • eligible for Guild scholarships

Volunteers at JMH come from a variety of backgrounds and bring their own skill sets and talents with them and each is important within the big picture. Konstantin Stanislavsky said, "There are no small parts, only small actors." This quote perfectly describes a volunteer. Everyone is important and has a role to play.

Career Opportunities

Volunteers have the unique opportunity to see the healthcare system from an inside perspective. It's easy to see the demand for quality healthcare professionals. For some, this inside knowledge offers a new found desire go into a healthcare related profession. For young volunteers, volunteering may help you determine if you want to continue your education in healthcare. Many volunteers gain clinical and patient exposure, which is desirable to medical and professional schools. 

Volunteer at Johnson Memorial Health

?If you are an adult or student interested in making a difference and volunteering at Johnson Memorial, you'll need to fill out an application. Once your application is reviewed, the Volunteer Coordinator will contact your for an interview. To best fit your interests, be sure to take a look at the variety of opportunities available throughout the hospital. 

Volunteer at Johnson Memorial Health

Topics: Volunteer