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Johnson Memorial Health

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Mar • 29 • 2023

Poor Blood Flow Is Often Missed as Cause of Non-healing Wounds

The single most important factor that determines whether a wound will heal is adequate blood flow to the surrounding tissues, or tissue perfusion. Without adequate assessment and correction of...

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Mar • 1 • 2023

The Importance of Getting a Colonoscopy Starting at 45

Men and women over the age of 45 are at the highest risk of developing colorectal cancer, which is cancer that begins in the colon or rectum. Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer...

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Jan • 31 • 2023

What You Need to Know About a Heart Scan

Though we see great advances in prevention and treatment, heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the United States. One person dies every 36 seconds within our country's...

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Jan • 29 • 2023

Planning a Heart Healthy Diet for Your Family

Eating a heart-healthy diet can significantly reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke and many other health problems.

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Dec • 21 • 2022

Frosty Grip Brings Frostbite and Other Weather-Related Worries

Much of the U.S. is facing severe winter storms and subzero temperatures. And one of the first concerns, if you're outdoors, should be frostbite.

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Dec • 18 • 2022

Be Careful Shoveling Snow After a Winter Storm

When Mother Nature unleashes her winter furry of snow and ice, the scenery can be beautiful - if you are enjoying the view from inside your warm home.

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Dec • 6 • 2022

8 Facts About Flu and What To Do If You Get Sick

Influenza (the flu) is an infection of the nose, throat, and lungs caused by influenza viruses. There are many different influenza viruses that are constantly changing. They cause illness, hospital...

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Dec • 1 • 2022

Your Healthcare Checklist for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, we think about changes we would like to make in the coming year. Many go so far as to make resolutions to make positive changes in their life. Some even keep those resolutions for...

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Oct • 2 • 2022

Mammogram Myths: 5 Common Misunderstandings

Despite decades of public health awareness about the importance of mammograms, many women are still resistant to getting them. Fear and opposition may be due to persistent myths about mammograms.


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Sep • 9 • 2022

Identifying and Managing Chronic Pain

Nearly 100 million Americans experience chronic pain, more than those who have diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined.

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Jul • 5 • 2022

6 Questions You're Too Afraid to Ask Your Doctor

Although you hopefully like and trust your doctor, sometimes it can be embarrassing to ask really personal questions. Yet keeping secrets could lead to worse health problems in the end.

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Jun • 30 • 2022

5 Different Types of Childbirth and Delivery Methods You Should Know

Few things in life are more exciting than the birth of a new baby. This has been the case throughout human history, but childbirth options for new mothers have advanced to make the experience more...

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