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Johnson Memorial Health

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May • 18 • 2022

What to Know About Becoming a Patient Care Tech (CNA)

Are you a high school graduate seeking a job that doesn't involve stacking boxes in a warehouse or serving fast food through a window? Have you ever wondered about a career in healthcare? If so,...

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May • 13 • 2022

Wound Care Matters: Get The Care You Need To Heal

Across the United States, there are nearly 7 million people who live with either a chronic wound or one that stubbornly won’t heal. These wounds need proper care, and the longer they go without, the...

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May • 12 • 2022

Types and Signs of Vein Disease

Vein disease is a common occurrence. It is relatively easy to treat and, when managed with careful treatment, it is usually not a life-threatening condition.

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May • 2 • 2022

Tips to Maintain Your Child's Healthy Weight

The alarms are sounding – and not the ones heard on your child’s video game. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in the past 30 years, according to the Center for Disease Control.

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May • 2 • 2022

Preventing 5 Common Childhood Health Issues

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is certainly true with many common childhood illnesses. Things as simple as handwashing and drinking fluids can go a long...

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Mar • 8 • 2022

This We Know About Walking and Your Health

Getting back to a normal life post-COVID requires getting vaccinated and still taking precautions if you have health risks. Going for a long walk (or a brisk jog if your joints can take it) also can...

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Mar • 6 • 2022

What You Need to Know About Sepsis

Sepsis is the leading cause of death following an infection, but with early detection and proper treatment, deadly consequences can be diminished.

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Feb • 24 • 2022

How to Return to Your Workout After Covid

Covid-19 has taken so much from us. If you were among the unfortunate to contract it, recovery can be a challenge. And if you are an athlete or active person who caught it, you should be patient and...

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Feb • 15 • 2022

The Difference Between an Internal Medicine and a Family Care Provider

When it comes to Internal Medicine and Family Care providers, the titles can be a little confusing. When you are not feeling well, you may not know which to call.

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Feb • 9 • 2022

Why Do I Have Urinary Incontinence and What Can I Do About It?

Whether it’s a minor inconvenience or a larger problem, urinary incontinence has many different causes and can present many different symptoms. But there’s one aspect that’s truly universal: Most...

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Jan • 24 • 2022

6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Heart’s Health During Pandemic

It’s February, and if you already feel a little guilty about the New Year’s Resolutions you’ve let slip, you are not alone.

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Jan • 17 • 2022

Even in the Midst of a Pandemic, Get Your Flu Shot

Even though efforts are focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, influenza remains a real danger in Central Indiana this winter.

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