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Johnson Memorial Health

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Jun • 17 • 2024

Stay Cool During Your Summer Pregnancy

Summer means fun in the sun, frolicking in a pool and eating hot dogs and potato salad at family picnics – unless you are pregnant.

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Apr • 5 • 2024

Lookout: Here's What NOT to Do During a Total Eclipse

Having a rare total eclipse in Johnson County, Indiana is a rare celestial event. Thousands of visitors are expected to travel to our community to experience it. Undoubtedly, you have plans with...

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Mar • 22 • 2024

When a Lump is More Than a Lump?

A breast self-exam is an inspection of your breasts that you do on your own. To help increase your breast awareness, you use your eyes and hands to regularly observe the look and feel of your breasts.

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Nov • 25 • 2023

How to Keep the Family Calm and Carrying On During the Holidays

Tis the season for celebrating our blessings, eating holiday delights and spending time with family.

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Nov • 5 • 2023

How to Combat Stress Around the Holidays

For some, the holidays can bring a lot of stress along with the festivities. The stress is no wonder since this time of year often brings extra demands like parties, shopping, baking, traveling, and...

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Sep • 1 • 2023

Tips for Keeping Your High School Athlete Hydrated and Healthy

The fall sports season at local Johnson County high schools is under way, and it's still hot out there. While coaches are educated in helping your kids stay healthy, it's a good idea to talk to your...

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Jul • 12 • 2023

How to Keep Your High School Athlete Injury Free

As a parent, one of your top priorities is keeping your children safe. And yet, reality is that you can't protect them from every potential injury, especially if they are involved in athletics....

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Jul • 9 • 2023

Healthy Back to School Lunch Ideas

Starting a new school year is the perfect time to start healthy eating habits. Focusing on promoting healthy lunches and snacks are a great way to instill good eating habits in your children.

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Jul • 1 • 2023

Celebrate the Fourth of July...Safely

The Fourth of July holiday is a special time in every community. A good time is had by all  until an accident happens.

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Jun • 1 • 2023

How Does Diabetes Lead to a Diabetic Wound?

Diabetes is a disease where the body does not make enough insulin. The body needs insulin to break down sugar. Too much sugar will stay in your bloodstream and can harm your body, such as causing a...

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Mar • 29 • 2023

About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy and how does it work?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used to treat some medical conditions. The treatment takes place in a chamber that you can see out of. You...

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Mar • 29 • 2023

Getting Specialized Wound Care Can Improve Your Quality Of Life

An estimated 7 million Americans are living with a chronic or non-healing wound. The longer a chronic wound goes without proper treatment, the greater the risk of infection, hospitalization and...

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