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Our Blog

Jul • 26 • 2024

Back to School: Tips to Help Students Adjust

With fall just around the corner, back-to-school season is quickly approaching. This can be an exciting time as it's one step closer to graduation, college or joining the workforce. It's also a time...

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Jul • 2 • 2024

How to Stay Hydrated Over the Summer

Staying hydrated during the warm summer months is an important part of enjoying the season. Whether your plans include more walks or bicycle rides, soaking up the sun, or taking that long-awaited...

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Jan • 29 • 2023

Planning a Heart Healthy Diet for Your Family

Eating a heart-healthy diet can significantly reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke and many other health problems.

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Dec • 26 • 2019

10 Healthy Meal Planning Tips for Working Moms

We have all felt and given in to the temptation of swinging by McDonald's or ordering a pizza for dinner after a long day of work. The kids are hungry, you have nothing prepared to eat, and you don't...

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Mar • 29 • 2017

Nutrition Tips for Managing Diabetes

Eating healthy, well-balanced meals is important part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition to healthy eating, regular exercise is important for everyone. For those people who have diabetes or who are...

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Mar • 28 • 2017

How Alcohol Affects People With Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you likely have a lot of concerns regarding food and drink. If you have just been diagnosed, you probably have even more questions. Diabetes does not mean that you can never...

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Oct • 8 • 2015

Juicing Fads: Health Benefits or Hoax?

Juicing. If you search the Internet, you'll find thousands of articles. This shows that it's a popular idea, but does that mean it is the healthiest way to get your fix of fruits and vegetables? You...

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May • 14 • 2015

"Clean Eating" and Other Popular Health Phrases Explained

If you are looking for information about different types or theories of eating, you will often hear buzz words. 

It seems that a new "diet" is being introduced all the time. Emily Wolfe, a registered...

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May • 7 • 2015

Understanding the Paleo Diet: Is It For You?

You have probably heard of the hugely popular Paleo diet. Maybe you've heard it called the caveman diet or the primal diet. The premise is that modern diets rely too much on processed foods. If we...

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Apr • 21 • 2015

The Basics of Building a Tasty Nutritious Smoothie

Smoothies are are great way to get a quick dose of vitamins and minerals. They are a great choice for a healthy breakfast, snack, or post-workout boost because they are so quick, easy, and nutritious.

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Apr • 16 • 2015

Healthy Recipes Using Farmers Market Finds

The farmers market is a great place to find the freshest sweet corn, the reddest, ripest tomatoes and the most fragrant, flavorful strawberries. Taste heirloom vegetables and fruits and sample...

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Mar • 31 • 2015

How Heart Healthy Is Your Diet? [Quiz]

It's the last day for National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme is “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle.” If you've been following the blog, you'll know we've been focusing on heart healthy diets this...

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