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Our Blog

Dec • 26 • 2017

5 Facts about Kids’ Fevers and When to Call a Doctor

Almost every parent has felt the panic that accompanies a rising fever. As your child’s temperature creeps up, it’s hard to know whether to call a doctor. Is it just a little cold? Is it a sign of...

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Jul • 25 • 2016

Your Baby's Business Begins With Insurance

When a new baby arrives, events happen at warp speed. You function on adrenaline - from the birth to the onslaught of visitors to the final preparations for the trip home.

In all of the excitement,...

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Jul • 1 • 2016

Most Important Questions to Ask the Doctor When Your Child is Ill

When your child is sick, you want to do everything you can to make them feel better. If you have tried giving your child rest and other at home treatments, you may discover that you need more advice....

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