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Our Blog

Mar • 8 • 2018

What Should I Do If My PMS Is Getting Worse?

Like clockwork, many women experience premenstrual symptoms including body tenderness and bloating. These symptoms typically arise a few days before you get your period each month and fade as it goes...

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Mar • 5 • 2018

Is it Normal to Have Hot Flashes in Your 30s or 40s?

When a woman has hot flashes, the first thought is the m-word: menopause. In the U.S., the average age of menopause onset is 51, but that average is surrounded by a wide swath of time that...

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Aug • 25 • 2017

Answers to Questions About Your Pap Test

The earlier cervical cancer is diagnosed, the better your chances are for a good outcome.

The most effective way to test for cervical cancer is a Pap test (also called a Pap smear). It can also...

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Aug • 3 • 2017

Signs You are Experiencing Perimenopause

Can we talk? The first reaction to the signs that women may be transitioning to menopause is as varied as the women experiencing it.

Emotions can range from sadness to happiness; from doubt to...

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Jun • 29 • 2017

Stress Urinary Incontinence Isn’t a Laughing Matter

It can be very embarrassing.

You are with friends during your girls night out, and someone tells a funny joke. You laugh, and you accidentally urinate. And it’s not the first time this has happened.


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Jun • 6 • 2017

Hysterectomy Reasons, Options and Information

The female reproductive system is the remarkable and robust producer of life. Yet, it is fragile and requires constant monitoring and care.

When health problems arise or persist with a uterus and/or...

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May • 23 • 2017

Nutrition Tips for Women Over 40

Women over 40 have different nutritional needs than younger women. A woman who has never had trouble keeping weight off may suddenly be gaining weight. A woman who has always found it easy to...

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Nov • 26 • 2015

Remedies and Treatment for Hot Flash Relief

Menopause is a fact of life for all women. One of the biggest complaints of women going through menopause or perimenopause (the time before menopause) is hot flashes. In fact nearly 75% of women say...

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Nov • 19 • 2015

What Are My Permanent Birth Control Options?

How many children do you want to have? That is a question we are asked from an early age and especially leading up to marriage. The decision is very personal; perhaps you may choose to not have...

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Nov • 10 • 2015

How Often Should Women Have a Mammogram?

In recent years, there has been some controversy over when to start and how often women should have regular mammograms. Knowing your body and family history are important to making the right decision...

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