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Our Blog

May • 13 • 2024

Is It Safe to Take Allergy Medicine During Pregnancy?

Sometimes, healthcare professionals recommend certain allergy medicines during pregnancy. But before you take an allergy medicine, try to ease your symptoms with the following tips:

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Feb • 4 • 2024

Why are Prenatal Vitamins Important?

A healthy diet is the best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need. But during pregnancy, you might fall short on key nutrients. If you're pregnant or hoping to conceive, prenatal vitamins can...

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Nov • 29 • 2023

Essential Tips to Ensure Safe Sleep for Infants

The risk for sudden infant death syndrome, orSIDS, is highest in the first year of life. SIDS often happens during sleep, which is why knowing and practicing safe sleep is so important.

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Nov • 29 • 2023

Tips for Keeping Your Baby Safe

From the moment you see that little heartbeat on the screen, your life changes. Your new goal is to keep this little human safe and happy. There is no shortage of advice available — from online blogs...

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Jun • 30 • 2022

5 Different Types of Childbirth and Delivery Methods You Should Know

Few things in life are more exciting than the birth of a new baby. This has been the case throughout human history, but childbirth options for new mothers have advanced to make the experience more...

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Dec • 30 • 2018

The Three Trimesters of Pregnancy

Whether you are expecting for the first time or you have already been down that road before, you might want a roadmap for the journey. It’s one of the most joyous times in your life, and pregnancy...

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Jun • 14 • 2017

How to Deal With High Risk Pregnancies

Before picking out names or decorating a nursery, you need to consider the health of you and your baby before you become pregnant.

According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human...

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Oct • 13 • 2015

What to Expect in Your Third Trimester of Pregnancy

We have already covered first trimester and second trimester of pregnancy, and now the end is in sight. To some this is a welcome time, and to others who love being pregnant, it can be a little...

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Sep • 29 • 2015

What to Expect in Your Second Trimester of Pregnancy

The second trimester (weeks 13-27 or 4-6 months) is the part of your pregnancy you've likely been looking forward to, especially if you had a lot of negative symptoms during the first trimester. As...

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Sep • 15 • 2015

Five of the Most Highly-rated Guide Books for New Parents

Often new parents have no idea what to expect in terms of welcoming their little one into the world. The good news is that there are plenty of books to help you out. There are guidebooks for new...

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Sep • 10 • 2015

A Guide to Finding the Perfect Maternity Bra

When you are pregnant your body is changing every week. To be as comfortable as possible, you'll need to buy new bras to fit your growing body. Here are a few tips to finding the perfect maternity...

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Sep • 8 • 2015

What to Expect in Your First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy can be overwhelming, especially if you have never been pregnant before. Knowing what to expect during your pregnancy will help you deal with the physical and...

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