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Our Blog

Jul • 2 • 2024

How to Stay Hydrated Over the Summer

Staying hydrated during the warm summer months is an important part of enjoying the season. Whether your plans include more walks or bicycle rides, soaking up the sun, or taking that long-awaited...

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Jun • 17 • 2024

When Temps Rise, Remember These Heatstroke Prevention Tips

Time outdoors is time well spent throughout the year, but it's especially enjoyable during the summer. Hiking, fishing, boating and other warm-weather activities can renew your appreciation for...

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Apr • 5 • 2024

Lookout: Here's What NOT to Do During a Total Eclipse

Having a rare total eclipse in Johnson County, Indiana is a rare celestial event. Thousands of visitors are expected to travel to our community to experience it. Undoubtedly, you have plans with...

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Dec • 21 • 2022

Frosty Grip Brings Frostbite and Other Weather-Related Worries

Much of the U.S. is facing severe winter storms and subzero temperatures. And one of the first concerns, if you're outdoors, should be frostbite.

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Jul • 16 • 2015

Pool Safety: Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Around the Pool

As summer warms up (and for us Hoosiers, we're hoping it dries up, too!), you will likely be spending more time at the pool with your kids. Swimming pools and other water activities can be a lot of...

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